About Us


We are a eminent Start up in the realm of "climate change, carbon credit and sustainability solutions” across the globe. We aspire to render strategic solutions for helping businesses and organizations to achieve their climate ambition. Our objective is to rehabilitate the Earth to a low carbon and climate resilient global economy.

Do you really love The Mother Earth , if yes Take the right step to leave a green footprint

Our passion for protecting the environment led us to our mission: Help individuals and all entities to help them to mitigate their Carbon Emission and help them to get further assistance for other benefits. This includes Minimize Carbon Emissions to use the energy ( Power / CBG ) of consumer choice to change the way The energy is made. Today, as the renewable energy retailer, we remain committed to sustainability every step of the way. By offering only products with an environmental benefit and operating with a zero or minimum - carbon footprint, we’re living our promise to the planet, inside and out.

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    The GOOD

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Our logo is inspired by a sea slug called Elysia chlorotica : "Elysia chlorotica is a small-to-medium-sized species of green sea slug."

This is Solar Powered Animal. “It’s a remarkable feat because it’s highly unusual for an animal to behave like a plant and survive solely on photosynthesis,”

In an amazing achievement akin to adding solar panels to your body, a northeast sea slug sucks raw materials from algae to provide its lifetime supply of solar-powered energy.

What We Offer


    Carbon offsets are investments in projects like Biogas from cattle dung , food waste , CBG production

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    It is a widely recognized fact that government action in itself is not sufficient to deal with carbon

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    Use of renewable energy sources for energy generation gives a massive thrust towards attainment

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    Carbon Neutrality means having a balance between emitting GHGs and avoiding/absorbing GHGs

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Why Go Green

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    Clean Energy

    It’s a sad fact that most of the electricity in the India is made from dirty, polluting, nonrenewable sources such as fossil fuels. In fact, generating electricity is the industrial cause of air pollution in the India

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    Renewable Energy

    Simply put, a renewable energy source is something that can generate electricity without being depleted. We’re talking natural resources like wind, sun, water, biological matter and geothermal heat.

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    Biomass Energy

    Since organic matter can be replaced in a relatively short amount of time, biomass is considered a renewable energy source.

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  • Projects Registered

  • 0 Total Projects Completed
  • 0 Syndicated Carbon Funds - Projects of Carbon Credits.
  • 0 Helped in generating revenue (in Cr.) from the sale of Carbon Credits

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